Supplied with a Student + Teacher teaching documentation and numerous practical works, this educational model makes it possible to understand the use of optical fiber and to compare it with Ethernet cabling networks in RJ45.
Educational objectoves
• Present the components of an optical link
• Master the principles of optoelectronic data transfer
• Understand the role of an optical coupler
• Compare transmissions on optical media and RJ45
• Address the limits of copper compared to fiber (distances, flow rates, ...)
• Highlighting the main failures of an optical link
• Highlighting the main failures of an RJ45 link
• Manipulations and practical work on the model
Practical work provided
• Course questions (theoretical course written by a specialized trainer)
• Commissioning of a camera via the RJ45 network
• Commissioning of a camera via the fiber optic network using media converter
• Understand the value of a 4 to 1 coupler
• Highlighting the speed problem over a long RJ45 length
• Diagnosis and identification of common RJ45 faults (wire cut inversion of straight / crossed wiring, etc.)
• Diagnosis and identification of common fiber optic failures (cut fiber and strain on the fiber)
• Measurement on the RJ45 cable using a network tester
• Measurement on the optical fiber network thanks to a power meter and a light source on optical fiber
• Analysis of uplink and downlink speeds and internet latency via the RJ45 network and via fiber optics (this lab requires internet access)
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