Understanding of the regulation principles by PID, from theory to practice. Wiring, calibration, loop measuring, statement of curves.
Practical works
• Wiring of a measuring loop according the standard 4-20mA with Pt100 probe and transmitter
• Calibration of the converter Pt100 / 4-20mA with the help of a decade box (not supplied)
• Establishing a calibration sheet, drawing the calibration curve
• Identifying and testing of a Pt100 probe. Calculation of the current through the Pt100 probe.
• Measuring of a loop current without opening the loop
• Using a 4-20mA calibrator
• Establishing the functional diagram and determining the role of different components
• Establishing the loop diagram of regulation and the wireline diagram
• Identifying the controlled value, the monitoring value, the disturbance values.
• Determining the direction of action of the regulator, according to the direction of the process and the direction of the correction member
• Determining the static characteristics of the process (static gain, timeout, time constant) in order to calculate the transfer function
• Determining the oscillations period and the gain of the critical loop, the integration factor.
Determining using models Broida and Pessen correctors P, I and D
• Viewing of the response curves with 3 correctors: P, I and D
• Adjusting of the PID correctors and testing according two methods: enslavement and regulation
• Testing of different empirical methods for adjusting PID correctors
• Troubleshooting training by fault simulation
w 48 h
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