This model simulates a crossroad equipped with 4 traffic lights. Using a TCP/IP PLC and monitoring software, it is possible to control the model and view its operation on a computer.
Operative part
• 6 x traffic lights control INPUT by 24 VDC level
• 4 x car detection sensor OUTPUT by 24 VDC level (supplied by the PLC)
• 6 x traffic lights manual swith on/off
• Interconnection : DB25 plug
• Dimensions : 390 x 325 x 140 mm
• model : 9 output & 7 relay inputs, supplied with :
- one interconnection wire plug link on the didactical model.
- one programming software (english/french) based on "contact" language.
• Dimensions : 170 x 130 x 130 mm / 220-240 VAC
• Traffic lights system controlled from a computer
• Visual and intuitive display interface :
- Acquisition of PLC parameters and visual control
- Cars and traffic lights monitoring
- Traffic lights control (switch on/off adjustement time, orange flashing)
• The software visual editor allowed to adapt the basic settings and to change software visual interface. Large possibility of use according to your particular teaching needs.
• Dim. 390 x 325 x 160mm
• The assembly is supplied already wired with a monitoring example and all mains leads necessary for proper operation
w 48 h
do Polski
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