Eucational objectives
• Discovery and introduction to the home automation..
• Study of the ZELIO PLC programming (Schneider®)..
• Creation of home automation scenarios like the control of an alarm, alighting, a roller-blind, a heating, a telephone transmitter, a lighting sensor….
• Study of a control by telephone transmitter.
Components located on the panel
• A modular table with protective devices (30mA).
• 1 PLC ZELIO from Schneider®
• 3 lighting circuits (outside, living room and kitchen)
• 1 dusk-to-dawn switch with its own cell
• 1 500W convector• 1 adjustable thermostat
• 1 external temperature probe
• 1 electric roller blind with Up/Down switch
• 1 intrusion detector and 1 siren
• 1 remote telephone transmitter
• 1 remote telephone set
w 48 h
do Polski
2 lata gwarancji
na wszystkie nasze produkty
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