Composition of the set
1 Shunt separated motor 220 / 220V
1 3-phase synchronous machine - alternator
1 Torque sensor
1 DC tachogenerator
1 Display unit torque and speed
1 Power supply inductor DC machine
1 Rheostat
1 Polar wheel power supply
1 Synchronoscope
1 Resistive load
4 Magnétoelectric voltmeters
3 Magnétoelectric ammeters
1 AC & DC multimeter clamp
• Study the armature/inductor windings of a DC machine.
• Understand the influence of the Inductor winding on the speed of rotation.
• Note the voltages and currents in the armature and in the inductor.
• Note, calculate and plot the electrical and mechanical quantities of the motor.
• Realize the balance sheet of motor powers.
• Study the functioning of a synchronous machine in Hypo-synchrone and Hyper-synchrone connected to the national electrical grid.
• Understand the functioning and the use a synchronoscope.
• Study the functioning of a synchronous machine in Hypo-synchrone and Hyper-synchrone connected to a resistive load.
• Note, calculate and plot the electrical and mechanical quantities of the alternator.
• Use an ammeter clamp
w 48 h
do Polski
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