Set of modules conbined with a power supply on wheels, for using several voltage sources AC/DC, fixed or variable. Operates with a resistive load (optional) and a capacitive load (optional) with permanent power 4000VA.
• 1 wheeled cabinet (see description page 69)
• 2 Analogue voltmeter 450V and ammeter 20A modules.
• 1 Analogue voltmeter 450V and ammeter 10A module
• 2 Analogue voltmeter 300V and ammeter 2.5A modules.
• 1 Interface module, 4mm safety terminals for MAIN THREE-PHASE output.
• 1 Interface module, 4mm safety terminals for MAIN DC output.
• 1 Interface module, 4mm safety terminals for AUXILIARY SINGLE-PHASE output.
• 1 Interface module, 4mm safety terminals for AUXILIARY DC output.
• 1 Interface module, 4mm safety terminals for MAINS THREE-PHASE output.
• 1 set of safety leads for making connections.
Three-phase power supply 3 x 400V + N. Mains lead, 3 metres.
Description of the cabinet
Wheeled cabinet equipped with thermal-magnetic and RC circuit-breakers for safelydistributing the different sources of power supply.
• Emergency stop and main start/stop button
• Main three-phase: 0–450V AC, 8A
Can be varied by autotransformer on the side of the cabinet and protected against overloads and short-circuits. The proposed voltage is 0-450V between phases.
A thermal magnetic circuit-breaker protects this output. A contactor with control button ensures Start/Stop switching, provided that the autotransformer is at 0 voltage.
An indicator signals powering up.
• Main DC voltage: 0-270V DC, 16A
0-270V variable, by autotransformer, with isolating transformer.
The set is protected against overloads and short-circuits.
Rectification is generously oversized (ripple factor 4%).
A thermal-magnetic circuit-breaker protects this output. A contactor with control button ensures Start/Stop switching, provided that the autotransformer is at 0 voltage.
An indicator signals powering up.
• Auxiliary single-phase voltage: 0–250VAC 2.5A
0-250V variable, by single-phase autotransformer protected against overloads and short-circuits. A button provides Start/Stop switching. An indicator signals powering up.
• Auxiliary DC voltage: 0-250VDC / 2,5A
0-250V variable, by single-phase autotransformer with isolating transformer, to standard NFC61558; the set is protected against overloads and short-circuits.
A button provides Start/Stop switching. An indicator signals powering up.
Double alternating rectification, with ripple factor varying with the load.
• Mains three-phase 3 x 400V AC
Protected by circuit-breaker. A contactor with control button provides Start/Stop switching. An in-dicator signals powering up.
• Mains outlets 230V AC – 2P+E
Protected by circuit-breaker. An indicator signals powering up.
under 48H00
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