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ARDUINO® microcontroller study case

Discover the Arduino environment by interconnecting the various modules (LCD screen, relay, temperature sensor, light sensor) and creating automation systems in a home environment.
- Control lighting, roller shutters, electrical outlets, watering systems, etc.
- Launch automation systems from the web page hosted on the microcontroller, accessible from a web browser.

Programming is done using the free Arduino IDE software, compatible with Windows and MacOS.
Power wiring is entirely done with safety cables (provided).
The control section is wired with micro-cables (provided).

Selected reference VAL-MC1

Selected reference VAL-MC1
Selected reference VAL-MC1

• Discover the Arduino® programming environment and the C language.
• Create electrical schematics
• Understand the interconnections between electronic modules.
• Analyze manufacturer datasheets.
• Create automation programs.
• Configure Wi-Fi components.
• Wire and connect electrical components using flying leads.
• Commission the installation.
• Configure Wi-Fi network settings for control from a web browser.

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