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Intoductory case for radio installation

Learn about Delta Dore® radio home automation technology quickly and easily with this simple, intuitive case. This instructional solution enables acquisition and validation of the skills for the diploma in Electricity & Connected Environments, in a simple home automation environment. Ideal for introducing your students quickly and clearly! The configurable radio modules (transmitter / receiver) and habitat type switches are integrated on both sides of the case.

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Selected reference VALDOM-DD

Selected reference VALDOM-DD
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• To learn about the HOME AUTOMATION environment of an electrical installation
• To learn about and study the features of a radio  home automation installation
• To understand the specifications of an electrical installation
• To produce electrical diagrams
• To create a parts list of components
• To analyse manufacturer technical data sheets
• To configure the radio components
• Carry out wiring and connection of electrical components in flying wires
• To put the radio installation into service
• To configure a Wifi network for control via a tablet or smartphone.

On upper side
• 1 LED wall light for lighting variation
• 10 LED lights of simulation: 2 simple lights, 2 roller shutters, 1 gate, 1 garage
• 2 opening / closing control receivers for a gate / garage
• 4 micromodules radio receiver: 2 for simple lights, 2 for roller shutter
• 1 micromodule radio receiver for variable lighting

On the lower side
• 1 circuit breaker 10A Ph+N, Habitat type
• 1 power socket module for power supply (protected by 10A fuse).
• 1 radio remote control 4 keys
• 1 two-ways switch, 1 habitat type module
• 1 push button, 1 habitat type module
• 1 two-ways switch, 2 habitat type modules
• 1 roller shutter switch, 2 habitat type modules
• 2 double radio transmitter switches, type On / Off
• 2 double radio transmitter switches, type roller shutter
• 3 micromodules radio transmitter for push button and switch
• 1 radio / IP gateway for Wifi communication
1 configured WIFI router (system-specific local WIFI)

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